Tina Maharath for Ohio State Senate 2018

September 1st, 2017 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Tina Maharath for Ohio State Senate 2018

Tina Maharath for Ohio State Senate 2018

I am running for the Ohio State Senate in the 3rd district as a member of the Democratic Party. Our General Election is November 6, 2018 and I need your support!

Friends Without a Border

April 1st, 2016 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Friends Without a Border

Friends Without a Border

In was a painful first hand experience that inspired Kenro Izu to start  ‘Friends Without a Border’: “In a pediatric bed, I saw a girl accompanied by her father. The father could not afford $2.00 for her treatment. The girl was not given any pills or treatment and died in front of my eyes.” 

Royaume du Laos

February 16th, 2013 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Royaume du Laos

Royaume du Laos

“Laos has been in the middle of one war after another, since the day I was born,” he explained, “it was just a part of life.” Onkeo was born in 1947, two years after the end of the Second World War, and the start of the First Indochina War.

An Island on the Mekong: Don Xai

January 10th, 2013 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on An Island on the Mekong: Don Xai

An Island on the Mekong: Don Xai

Don Xai (Xai Island) is an island in the Mekong River, in the southern part of the country of Laos. It is officially located in the province of Champasak, in the Soukhouma district. For most Westerners it is a world away, still unspoiled by modernity.

Traveling to Laos for the first time

December 18th, 2009 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Traveling to Laos for the first time

I spent nearly two years focused primarily on one thing: to travel to Laos for the first time. When I finally went this February, I felt like the whole of my life had built up to that moment. I don’t know how I can describe the enormity of the experience with only words …

Bounsang Khamkeo, “I Little Slave”

September 5th, 2009 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Bounsang Khamkeo, “I Little Slave”

Bounsang Khamkeo, “I Little Slave”

One of the most important aspects of “I Little Slave” is Bounsang’s vivid depiction of his experience in the prison camps, which was officially referred to by the deceptive euphemism “Seminar”.

Daraphon Souvanna Phouma Stieglitz, community activist

May 1st, 2009 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Daraphon Souvanna Phouma Stieglitz, community activist

Daraphon Souvanna Phouma Stieglitz, community activist

Many descendants of King Sisavang Vong left Laos after the monarchy came to an end, several re-establishing their lives in Western Europe and North America. One of his descendants, great-granddaughter Dara Stieglitz, now leads an active life in the Garden State of New Jersey.

Lao Heritage Foundation

July 12th, 2008 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Lao Heritage Foundation

Lao Heritage Foundation

The Lao Heritage Foundation (LHF) is a non profit national organization based out of Washington D.C., established in 2004 by a group of young Lao American professionals and artists across the US … The mission of the Lao Heritage Foundation is to preserve and promote Lao culture through the arts, and transmit it to future generations.

Ketsana introduces Jonny Olsen

March 9th, 2008 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Ketsana introduces Jonny Olsen

Ketsana introduces Jonny Olsen

By Siamphone Louankang Although she is quick to brush off similarities of any kind, Ketsana will always live in my memory as the original “Lao Madonna.” In my youth, growing up in my parents Laotian grocery store, I would stare at her concert photos and replay songs from her tape (yes, audio tape!) on the […]

Nerakhoon: The Betrayal

February 1st, 2008 by Siamphone Louankang | Comments Off on Nerakhoon: The Betrayal

Nerakhoon: The Betrayal

He swam across the Mekong River to reach the refugee camps in Thailand, first staying at Napo, then Ubon. Thavi’s mother and remaining siblings followed two years later, only to meet with a misfortune that would take them over a decade to rectify. Offered just one opportunity to leave, Thavi’s mother had very little time to gather together what remained of her family and quickly flee.